Saturday 12 November 2011

Another Big Win

I don't normally enter comps apart from my beloved ones but seen this Silvercross comp for a beautiful Chatsworth dolls pram after me and Abi was looking at dolls prams (she has a bit of an addiction like her mummy) so I entered!!!!

I can't believe I won, it actually took me a few moments to realise it was my name and then I thought it must be another Josephine Meakin until I got the email.  I've gone for it in poppy (red) as it was  Remembrance day that I won it. Hopefully it will be passed down for generations with the little story how it came into our family


  1. That is amazing well done hun, I have pushchair envy of this pram :) I entered too and will keep my eyes for another comp like this, I bet you both really enjoy this and such a Fabulous colour too!
    Enjoy x
